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The "Long March 5 Carrier Rocket" Successfully Made Its First Flight, Reinforcing Mathematical Power of Shandong University

作者:   时间:2020-05-11   点击数:

Embrace the Sea, Fly to the Moon. On May 5, 2020, the Long March 5B carrier rocket, carrying a new-generation manned spacecraft test vessel and a flexible inflatable cargo re-entry module test chamber, was blasted off at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in China Subsequently, the load complex was successfully separated from the rocket and entered the pre-selected orbit, seeing its first successful flight. Li Minghua, the 1980-grade alumni of the School of Mathematics, Shandong University, serves as the Commander in Chief of the Long March 5 carrier rocket, and current Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy President of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology.

Long March 5B, developed based on the Long March 5 carrier rocket, uses non-toxic and pollution-free liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and kerosene as propellants, with take-off mass about 849 tons, and low-Earth orbit carrying capacity more than 22 tons. At present, it boasts the largest low-Earth orbit carrying capacity in China, which was developed by China Launch Vehicle Technology Research Institute, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Cooperation. The "passengers" of the Long March 5B carrier rocket flew for the first time are the new-generation manned spacecraft test vessel and re-entry module test chamber. According to the plan, the new-generation manned spacecraft can be used with multiple purposes. With the dual functions of "Sending people and goods", it can be applied to low-Earth orbit, support the construction of domestic space stations, and manages to detect the more distant deep space.

It is reported that the Long March 5 carrier rocket plan to carry out three launch missions this year. After the maiden flight of Long March 5B, Long March 5 will launch China's first Mars probe in the second half of the year; before the end of the year, the Long March 5 will also launch the Chang'e 5 lunar probe, planning to sample the lunar surface.

Li Minghua, male, born in August 1962, was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Shandong University in 1980 with excellent results with the major of Control Theory. He began to work in August 1984, and successively served as Deputy Director, Assistant Director and Deputy Director of the Office 3, Institute 12 of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Deputy Director of the Research and Production Department of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Commander in Chief of a certain model, Assistant to President of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Vice President and Commander in Chief of a certain model, Vice President of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Vice President and Commander in Chief of a certain model, Director of Weapons Department of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Cooperation, etc.


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